Today was a fairly normal day at work. I worked hard, got my stuff done, and had very little interaction with anyone, as my appointments all failed to show and I hid in my office all day. As usual I could not have a totally normal day with out incident. It wasn't as major as some of the things I have encountered during my days since entering single motherhood, but it defiantly could be classified as an embarrassing incident.
Let me give you some background on my story. The security guard at my office is a friend from high school. He has recently started reading my blog...He likes to say I have too much time on my hands, but yes it is funny. I like to say that I am dedicated. I stay up late to write. I could never do this while my kids are awake and running around. He read my post from the night before about my ex's. Being a local guy he used to be friends with the guy I referred to as "the rat". He knows some of the background history between this particular guy and I, and also knows that he would be one of the last people on earth I feel like talking to. He and I had discussed him coming over to power wash my house in couple weeks, as my neighborhood requires this be done at least once per year and I don't have the proper equipment to do it myself. Plus, lets see, I hate washing my car, why would I want to wash a whole house????
Anyway on to the good stuff. I had left my office for a meeting and when I got back the guard had left a phone number on my desk, I assumed, so I could call him about setting up a time to come wash my house for me. I sent a text, you know rather then doing the smart thing and asking him in person if it was his number, so I texted him and said "I got your message". Needless to say he then informed me that the number he left on my desk was that of "the rat". I didn't get a response but was thoroughly embarrassed, since although I did not have what was apparently his new phone number, chances are he still has mine. When the last thing you speak to someone is that they are a jerk and you never want to speak to them again, it kinda appears as if your crawling back, or attempting to try and get them back in your life if you contact them again. Totally not what I meant to do.
That and Billy Joe the security guard will never let me live that one down.
Oh well, live and learn. I learned to accept a long time ago that this is just the kind of thing that happens to me. I have got a long night of chores ahead of me, so time to run.
Over and Out
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